Fabric defects are abnormalities or imperfections in the appearance, texture, or performance of a fabric, textile inspection machine is important in identifying and addressing these factors and is essential for producing high-quality fabrics that meet the required standards and customer expectations.

textile inspection machine

Classification of Fabric Defects

There are many kinds of fabric defects, including but not limited:

1. Weaving defects

Weaving defects are common in woven fabrics, and they can be classified into different types based on their characteristics. For example, missing threads and broken threads can result in holes in the fabric, while skipped threads and floating threads could result in uneven texture and pattern.

2. Knitting defects

Knitting defects are common in knitted fabrics, and they can be classified into various categories based on their causes. Holes can be caused by dropped stitches or incorrect tension, as runs can be caused by broken stitches or snags.

3. Printing defects

Printing defects often appeared in the process of in printed fabrics, and they can be classified into different categories based on their characteristics. Incorrect ink viscosity or uneven pressure will lead to uneven color application.

4. Dyeing defects

Dyeing defects happen in dyed fabrics, and they can be classified into different types based on their causes. Uneven dye penetration or inadequate agitation is able to bring about uneven dye penetration or inadequate agitation when the bleeding and fading can be caused by incorrect dye selection or insufficient fixation.

5. Finishing defects

Finishing defects are common in finished fabrics, and they can be classified into different categories based on their characteristics. Shrinkage can be caused by excessive heat or moisture during finishing, and creasing and pilling can be caused by improper mechanical or chemical treatment.

6. Mechanical defects

Mechanical defects are normal in any type of fabric, and they are usually caused by sharp objects or rough handling. Examples of mechanical defects include snags, tears, holes, and abrasions.

7. Environmental defects

Environmental defects can occur in any type of fabric, and they are usually caused by exposure to sunlight, humidity, or chemicals. Apart of environmental defects include discoloration, staining, and degradation.

8. Human-caused defects

Human-caused defects such as incorrect cutting, sewing, or labeling, can occur in any type of fabric during the manufacturing process, because of human error.

9. Quality defects

Defects missed during inspections or inadequate quality standards are one part of quality defects, which are usually caused by poor quality control during the manufacturing process. 


In summary, the classification of fabric defects can be based on various factors such as the manufacturing process, the causes of the defect, and the characteristics of the defect. Understanding the different types of fabric defects can help manufacturers and quality control professionals identify and address these issues to ensure the production of high-quality fabrics. So it’s necessary for the textile mills to choose a perfect textile inspection machine to help them to examine the defects of the fabrics.

And a textile inspection machine is a specialized machine used in textile manufacturing facilities to inspect and detect defects in fabrics, helping the manufacturers to ensure that the fabrics they produce meet the required quality standards, by detecting and identifying defects that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Over the last 50 years, SUNTECH institute to provide high-quality textile inspection machines to customers helping them to improve the efficiency of production, and decrease costs. SUNTEC has received many positive comments from customers such as LAVA, SKYTEX, TN&Platex, and so on. 

SUNTECH also provides numerous high quality types of textile machinery: industrial fabric cutting machine in south africa automotive vehicles, textile inspection machine, fabric inspection machine, fabric roll winding machinebeam storageauto packing machine, fabric cutting machine, etc. If you are interested in us, please contact us now!