A Pakistani diplomat in Europe said that Pakistan is not legally bound on the moratorium on death penalty, therefore, unlike the popular perception, it is not going to lose duty benefits under the GSP Plus scheme. Pakistan is bound to implement 27 international conventions to continue with the GSP Plus scheme but these conventions do not bind the signatory to abolish death penalty, revealed this anonmous diplomat.
Pakistani investors and exporters, especially from the textile sector, have been apprehensive about the fate of the GSP Plus scheme since the government lifted the self-imposed six-year
moratorium on executions. He held out assurance that the country is not going to lose concessions in the European markets under the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) Plus scheme as
Islamabad is not legally bound to keep moratorium on executions.
SUNTECH, one of the leading designers & manufacturers on textile machines for weaving and finishing units, especially for Fabric Make-Up Machines and Material Storage & Handling Equipments.